Hydrogen to fuel UAVs

The military field being the source of several innovations, it is not surprising to see the Russian air force testing drones propelled by hydrogen during the current Syrian conflict.

bespilotnik_zarembo_d_850A Russian source affirms that the hydrogen-powered military UAV tested in Syria obtained very good results. Hydrogen provides more energy for the same weight than fossil fuels, the drones put to the test could fly for a longer period of time. In addition to the higher autonomy, these UAVs are more difficult to detect by thermal-guided missiles.

This technology is also applicable to UAVs used by civilians. A company in Montreal already proved the feasibility of this concept.

The increase in autonomy obtained by the use of hydrogen as fuel opens a great number of potential use for UAVs in addition to being more environmental-friendly than fossils fuels. Fields like public safety, detection of forest fires and inspection of electric lines or pipelines will profit from this increase in autonomy.